LATEST NEWS: We did it! Thank you to all — so grateful for your support.
Serving others and helping others become more than they thought they could be, has been a life mission of mine. I was the recipient of great mentoring throughout my entire career. To me, mentoring is at the core of what we as PGA Professionals do each and every day. Some of us do it formally with structure, and others change lives with the little things we say or do. This ranges from encouraging a beginner on the range, to coaching our associates through their levels of PGA education, to serving our association. I’ve had the privilege of being a PGA Professional at the grass roots level for over 30 years. In that span, I’ve had the opportunities to teach beginners to major champions and Ryder Cuppers. I have steered facilities in the right direction and I’ve been able to develop 20 plus associates to their first Head Professional or Director of Instruction positions. Most importantly, I’ve been given the privilege to change lives though our game.
I’ve been blessed to serve on both the Section board as well as represent the fine members of District 3 as their Director. I am an active listener, taking what I have learned from section and national leaders and using that input to create strategies and executions for the success of the association. Yes, we are an association as one, but must understand that we are comprised of 29,000+ members and associates, categorized by 41 geographical areas facing 41 distinct challenges. A one-size-fits-all approach is shortsighted and doesn’t give each section the laser-focused attention that their specific challenges and opportunities deserve. It’s through those experiences, as well as through the encouragement of multiple national leaders that have served beside or before me, that has compelled me to seek the office of Secretary of the Association.
I’m the sum of many experiences, each meaningful in their own special way, to form a dad, a husband, and a PGA leader who is thoughtful, mindful, focused, and impactful. Our association is moving forward, and I look forward to being a part of that officer core that guides us to the next level. I want to serve my fellow professionals, improve our association’s efficacy, and build a better tomorrow for the members and associates that will take our association into the next frontier.
One of my favorite leadership principles is constant improvement. I would cherish the opportunity to lead us to team up and make our association 1% better every day. Great opportunities lie ahead, and I would be honored to serve alongside you as an officer helping to lead that charge. I look forward to getting to know you better and forming an impactful relationship with you over the next 10 months and the years to come. Let’s get started!

What Drives Me
I have always loved the game of golf and people. So much so, that I have worked hard to make a career out of helping others. Though I have faced headwinds and hard decisions, I’ve never steered away from making tough calls. I’m a team builder and a believer in networks. My goal is to instill these values in the future generation so they can thrive.
Both my time on the board and being a District Director has ignited my passion for serving our members and our association. Along the way, I learned a team approach is always better than an individual. I’m a product of two things: great mentoring and networks. Our recruiting is working – mentoring and retaining golf professionals is where we need to improve.
Golf is booming, and I feel it’s never been a better time to get into golf. However, we need to mentor and take care of our next generation of professionals. We must set up better lives for them. I have a proven track record of promoting young professionals to better jobs and lives.
I want to become Secretary of the PGA to expand on those two areas and many more. I’m excited to meet you, the delegates, and engage you to help towards these initiatives. My goal is to make better lives for PGA professionals.
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